2021 中考英语作文预测 6 类热点话题及优秀范文,考前提分必看!

话题热度:★★★★★ 前几日,成都 49 中一名学生林某某在校内坠亡引发了各大媒体和社会舆论的广泛关注。近年来,青少年因为心理压力及心态问题选择走向极端的事件层出不穷,...


前几日,成都 49 中一名学生林某某在校内坠亡引发了各大媒体和社会舆论的广泛关注。近年来,青少年因为心理压力及心态问题选择走向极端的事件层出不穷,青年一代的身心健康问题也引起了社会的广泛关注和讨论。

范文 1:

在学习和生活中,每个人都会有苦恼的事。假设你叫 Mandy,你的好朋友 Nancy遇到了一些烦恼的事。请根据下面的提示,给她写一封 90 词左右的邮件,并提出自己的建议。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

shy:don't have many friends at school;

math:difficult; often get poor grades;

difficult to talk to her parents


Dear Nancy,

I'm sorry that you have so many problems. Here is my advice for you. Firstly, you say you are so shy that you don't have many friends at school. I think you should join some clubs and make new friends there.Secondly, you find math is difficult and often get poor grades in exams. You should ask the teacher or your classmates for help and do more exercises.Then you'll be good at it. Finally, you think it's not easy to talk with your parents. Why not open your heart to them and tell them how you feel? I'm sure they'll understand you.

I hope you will feel happy again.



范文 2:

微笑是一种态度。请你根据以下表格内容,以 Learn to smile为题,为你校《英语园地》写一篇作文。要求:80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数),可适当发挥。


confidence, health, language, smile at, learn to ,what' s more, be good for, We should ... ,I believe ..


Learn to Smile

Smile is an attitude to life. We should face everything with a smile.

In our life, there may be something unpleasant. For example, you may fail the exam, or your friends may not understand you. These things may make you feel bad, but you need to learn to smile. Smiling at yourself can bring back your confidence. What's more, smiling is good for your health. We should also learn to smile at others, and it will help us get closer to other people. Smile is the best language in the modern world.

Let's learn to smile. I believe our world will be more and more wonderful.




2020 年,是决战决胜脱贫攻坚和全面建成小康社会的收官之年。

2021 是十四五开局之年,也是新中国的百年诞辰,这一百年里我们经历了巨大的变化,城市经济发展日新月异,居民生活水平、个人素质不断提升。

范文 1:

近年来,你的家乡在许多方面取得很大成绩市容市貌焕然一新,市民素质得以提高。请根据下面的内容提示,写一篇 80 词左右的文章介绍你的家乡在精神文明建设方面的进步。


In recent years,my hometown has achieved a lot. As a member of this beautiful city, I feel so happy with its development. In the past, people liked to talk loudly in public places. Some drivers parked their cars carelessly. Now most people behave politely. They're willing to obey traffic rules. Besides, few people cared about the weak before. But now many kind people have set up several charities. They have raised much money to help poor children return to school. Moreover, some factories used to put the waste into rivers. As a result, many rivers were polluted. It caused much pollution. Luckily, most people have developed a green lifestyle. They try their best to separate the waste into different groups.They also plant more trees to keep the air clean. I hope my hometown will become more beautiful in the future.




根据《2020 年宠物行业白皮书》的数据显示,2020 年全国城镇宠物猫和宠物狗的数量达到了 10064 万只,消费市场规模达 2065 亿元。


范文 1:

现在越来越多的人喜欢养宠物,然而每个人对于养宠物的看法不一。假设你是 Esther,最近你们班展开了一次以“ Should people keep pets? 为主题的班会,请根据下列提示,写一篇 80 词左右的短文发表你自己的看法。





Should People Keep Pets?

These years, more and more people like to keep pets. But different people hold different opinions on keeping pets. Personally speaking, I think keeping pets can bring much happiness to our life.

Firstly, pets are very lovely. They can play with children and bring a lot of happiness to them. Secondly pets can accompany the elderly who live alone. And they can also make the elderly feel relaxed and happy. Thirdly, keeping pets can also make people learn to be more and more responsible, and people can learn how to take care of others.

In a word, keeping pets is helpful to people.

范文 2:

假如你是李明,昨天你们班进行了一场以"哪种动物是最好的宠物一猫还是狗?"为主题的英语辩论赛。请你根据下面表格中的提示信息用英语写一篇 80 词左右的短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数,可适当发挥。


owner save clean better, friend exercise

短语:play with, all the time, as well

句型:think that


Yesterday we discussed whether cats or dogs are the best pets. Some students think that cats are the best pets. First, cats can usually keep themselves and the places around clean. Second, owners don't need to play with cats all the time and they can save lot of time.

However, some other students think that keeping pet dogs is better. First, dogs are our faithful friends. Second, when people are walking dogs they are doing exercise as well.

As for me, I think that dogs are best pets. Keeping dogs can help people become more responsible and make people learn how to care for others.






范文 1:

假如你是 Steve,是志愿者俱乐部的一名成员你觉得参加志愿者活动是一件有意义的事情,因此你想邀请你的朋友 Brian一起参加。请根据提示给他写一封信,介绍俱乐部的活动。

要求:80 词左右,可适当发挥。信件的格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。


Dear Brian,

I am a member of the Volunteer Club. I'd like to introduce the activities in the Volunteer Club to you.

In order to help people in need and raise their spirits, we often do some voluntary work at weekends.We often go to the Children's Hospital to play games with the children there. In addition, we teach them to draw pictures as well as telling them interesting stories. We also go to the Old People's Home. There we help to do some cleaning and spend time chatting with them. Sometimes, we sing songs, dance and put on plays for them.

I think doing voluntary work can make our life richer. Would you like to join me? I'm looking forward to your reply.



范文 2:

假如你是 Ella,你们年级计划下个月组织一次赴四川贫困地区做志愿工作的活动。请根据以下要点提示向你的校长史密斯先生写一封请求信,阐明一下这次志愿者服务活动的相关内容以及你的感想。

要求:80 词左右,给出部分不计入总词数,可适当发挥。






Dear Mr Smith,

We are writing to ask permission for a voluntary work activity.

In order to help the children in poor areas and raise their spirits, our grade decides to organize a voluntary activity in Sichuan Province next month.We plan to teach them to sing and tell them interesting stories about the outside world. We will spend two days with them. We will also teach different knowledge to them so that they can have a better understanding of the world.

In my opinion, the activity is very meaningful.Could you please give us permission to have the activity?

Your sincerely,







范文 1:

最近我们学校在征集校园生活安全事故的事例,请你写一篇题为 How to Keep Safe in Our School的短文。








3.语句连贯,词数 80 左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。


How to Keep Safe in Our School?

Do you know that our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful enough? In fact we often see or hear about accidents at school. Now let me tell you one accident.

One day, when I was walking in the hallway near my classroom, I saw two students running after each other. Suddenly, one of them fell down and hurt his leg because of the wet floor. At last, the student stayed in hospital for one month.

To keep safe in our school, I think we should always walk: but not run at school. And also our school or the teachers should make some rules to stop the students from running.

Let's pay attention to our safety in our school.





范文 1:










Many zoos are in trouble because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Few people go to the zoo, so the zoos don't have enough money to buy food for the animals. What's worse, most of the workers left the zoos because the zoos can't pay them.

Now, the animals in the zoos are hungry. They are getting thinner and thinner. Some of them even got ill and died.

The zoos really need our help! They need money and food to look after the animals. Let's give them a hand.


文中的范文均来源于 翼课网智能题库






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校 对:王 羿、薛倩倩

审 核:贾丹彤

声 明:文章部分数据来源于网络,范文均来源于翼课网智能题库。

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