
全自主驾驶汽车 Tell-tale white and blue self- driving cars belonging to Baidu, China’s largest search engine, have been spotted on public roads in northern Beijing, in what appear to be the first public road tests of fully autonomo...


Tell-tale white and blue self- driving cars belonging to Baidu, China’s largest search engine, have been spotted on public roads in northern Beijing, in what appear to be the first public road tests of fully autonomous carsin China.

中国最大搜索引擎百度(Baidu)旗 下的蓝白色自主驾驶汽车已被发现出现在北京北部的公共道路上,似 乎在进行中国首次 全自主驾驶汽车 公路测试。



[formal] having the ability to work and make decisions by yourself without any help from anyone else.

China’s government has announced it will develop national regulations for testing on public roads in China, which a Baidu executive said could be ready by the end of the year. But already the company appears to be testing fully autonomous cars in what is a legal grey area— the cars have drivers in them but they appear not to be driving. A Baidu representative declined to comment.

中国政府已宣布将制定自主驾驶汽车国内路测的国家规范;一名百度高管表示该规范可能在今年底前出台。但该公司似乎已在 法律灰色地带 —车内坐有司机,但他们似乎不在驾驶——测试全自主驾驶汽车。百度的一名代表拒绝置评。

legal grey area


A senior executive at Baidu confirmed it was working with local governments to start legally testing autonomously-driven cars on some public roads in China by February 2018, which would be a milestone for the industry.

百度一名高管证实,该公司正与地方政府合作,从2018年2月起合法地在国内公共道路上对自主驾驶汽 车进行测试,这将成为该行业的一个里程碑。

People in the industry say the permissiveness of regulations will set the paceof this technology.




例:parents who are too permissive


not strict, and allowing behaviour that many other people would disapprove of

“I think [it] will not be technology that will set that pace, it will be regulations and liability rules,” said Martin Lundstedt, chief executive of Volvo Group, which last week unveiled a self-driving truck prototype in Beijing.

“我认为,决定发展速度的不是技术,而是规范和赔偿责任规则,”沃尔沃集团(Volvo Group)首席执行官马丁?伦德斯泰特(Martin Lundstedt)表示。沃尔沃上周在北京发布了一款自主驾驶卡车的样车。

Currently at least five Chinese or Chinese-invested companies, including Baidu, have licences to test driverless cars on public roads in Silicon Valley, given out by the California Department of Motor Vehicles as part of an experimental programme.

目前,至少5家中国或中资入股的公司(包括百度)获得了加州机动车辆管理局(DMV)颁发的在硅谷进 行无人驾驶汽车路测的牌照,作为 一个试验项目的一部分。

Testing on Chinese public roads would help keep Chinese companies competitive in the data-intensive technology of autonomous driving, where logging miles on roads is essential to perfecting the technology.


Google’s autonomous car division, Waymo, for example, announced in May that its autonomous cars had racked up 3m miles since 2009 in four US states, and the last million were in just seven months.

例如,谷歌(Google)的自主驾驶汽车部门Waymo今年5月宣布,其自 主驾驶汽车自2009年开始已在美国 4个州积累了300万英里的行驶里程,最后100万英里是在短短7个月里积累的。

Analysts view Baidu, with its open source Apollo software, as the leader in driverless car technology in China. Baidu tests driverless cars on a 3km stretch of road in the city of Wuzhen and did a public road test in Beijing in 2015.

分析人士将推出“阿波罗”(Apollo) 开源软件平台的百度视为中国无人驾驶汽车技术的领导者。百度在乌镇一处长3公里的试车道上测试无 人驾驶汽车,并于2015年在北京进行了一次路测。

The company’sflamboyantchairman, Robin Li, also drove an autonomous car in July of last year on a Beijing ring road as a publicity stunt, though Beijing police were less than amused, and announced they would investigate.

今年7月,作为宣传噱头,张扬的百度董事长李彦宏(Robin Li)在北京一处环路上驾驶一辆自主驾驶汽 车,尽管北京警方不觉得这样做好 玩,宣布将进行调查。今年7月,作为宣传噱头,张扬的百度董事长李彦宏(Robin Li)在北京一处环路上驾驶一辆自主驾驶汽 车,尽管北京警方不觉得这样做好 玩,宣布将进行调查。



?flamboyant style / character / personality

?his flamboyant style of play


behaving in a confident or exciting way that makes people notice you




1.?Not many actors do their own stunts .


?a stunt flying show


a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film.

2.?Todd flew over the city in a hot air balloon as a publicity stunt .


something that is done to attract people's attention, especially in advertising or politics

The senior executive added that China’s chaotic traffic was an obstacle to driverless cars in China compared with the orderly roads of Silicon Valley. Without some improvement in either technology or in traffic enforcement, “it will take two extra hours just to drive across Beijing”, he said.

“The problem with an algorithmis that it follows rules,” he joked.

上述百度高管还表示,与硅谷布局有序的道路相比,中国混乱的交通 状况是无人驾驶汽车发展的一个障碍。他说,如果没有技术或交通执法方面的改善,“仅穿过整个北京市 就要多花2小时”。

“算法 的问题在于它会严守规则,”他笑称。

algorithmnoun[C] [technical]


a set of instructions that are followed in a fixed order and used for solving a mathematical problem, making a computer program etc

Baidu executives cite the chaotic traffic as a serious obstacle to staying competitive in autonomous driving. “China faces unique obstacles in its efforts to achieve autonomous driving. There are many, many more challenges here,” said Li Zhenyu, general manager of Baidu’s Intelligent Driving Group, citing the prevalence of electric scooters and pedestrians as a unique challenge in China at a Baidu event last week.

百度的高管们认为,混乱的交通状况是在自主驾驶技术中保持竞争力的一个严重障碍。“在实现自主驾驶方面,中国面临着独有的障碍。我们面临更多的挑战,”百度智能驾驶事业群组总经理李震宇表示。他上 周在百度组织的一场活动中表示, 无处不在的电动摩托车和行人是中国面临的独有挑战。



?a chaotic mixture of images


a chaotic situation is one in which everything is happening in a confused way

“Normally, we react to problems that we encounter on the road. But we hope that through AI technology, we can put any traffic problem outside of the realm of reaction and into [the] realm of prediction only.”




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