“瞪某人”英语怎么说 “give sb the eye”什么意思

小伙伴们,大家好。欢迎来到跬步英语。关于eye的短语和各种用法太多了,今天只分享两个。首先,送秋波英语怎么说呢?和秋天的菠菜没关系啊。它的意思也就是抛媚眼。Give sb the (...

小伙伴们,大家好。欢迎来到跬步英语。关于eye的短语和各种用法太多了,今天只分享两个。首先,送秋波英语怎么说呢?和秋天的菠菜没关系啊。它的意思也就是抛媚眼。Give sb the (glad)eye。Glad平时人们经常就省略了。例如:Hey,She had a thing for me。How do you know that? She gave the (glad)eye at me just now。嘿,她对我有意思哎。你怎么知道?她刚刚对我送秋波(抛媚眼)了。抛媚眼还可以是:make (sheep's)eyes at sb 。They made eyes at each other during the meeting。他们两个开会期间眉来眼去的。

那么,生气了翻白眼,瞪某人一眼该怎么说呢?看例句:I mean, he literally rolled his eyes at you.我是说 他真的对你翻了白眼。Roll eyes at sb 就是瞪某人,冲某人翻白眼的意思。有时候,也可以这样说:No eye-rolling。不许瞪别人。Eye roll呢。就变成了名词词性了。例如:I noticed all your sarcastic comments and those eye rolls。我注意到了你的冷嘲热讽和翻的那些白眼。

瞪某人还可以这样说:Give stink eye,例如Giving me the stink eye for? Captain?瞪着我干嘛?船长。Stop giving me the stink eye anymore。I don’t buy that。别瞪着我。我不吃那一套。


